Get tech interviews rolling with our US-based recruiters list

Receive curated listings of companies that have recently started hiring, delivered straight to your inbox.

Only 9 spots available
Featured on Indie Hackers
Featured on Hacker News
Featured on Product Hunt

How it works


Subscribe to a plan with just your email and a card.


Receive your recruiters list straight to your inbox, with new updates every month.

Get Interviews

Reach out to recruiters and start scheduling interviews.

Membership Benefits


Verified Contact Information

All info is manually collected and verified, including public recruiter emails.

US-based Recruiters

Companies aiming to grow often lack resources, so founders hire new members.

Fixed Monthly Rate

Pay the same fixed price each month. No fees or hidden costs.

Flexible & Scalable

You are free to scale, pause, or cancel as needed, anytime.

Ready to Connect

Use your preferred cold email software and contact recruiters. The monthly list is all you need.

Teo S.
Meet Osho team
Meet Osho team
John L.
Eva T.
Meet Osho team

“I know the feeling of applying to hundreds of Indeed and LinkedIn jobs and getting 0 results. Osho sends you only the best ones, sourced from my personal recruiters list accumulated over the years. You'll get top US-based recruiters' contact information with no waiting.”

Meet Osho team
John Lion

Transparent Pricing



Get tech interviews invitations into your inbox in under a week.

  • New list at the beginning of every month
  • 300+ verified email addresses
  • All sent straight to your inbox
  • Average 72-hour response
  • Save weeks of research
  • Pause or cancel anytime

Secure payments with Automation testing secure payments with Stripe.



Get tech interviews invitations into your inbox next day.

  • Receive the previous month's list upon subscribing
  • New list at the beginning of every month
  • 700+ verified email addresses
  • Resume or portfolio review
  • All sent straight to your inbox
  • Average 48-hour response
  • Save months of research
  • Pause or cancel anytime

Secure payments with Automation testing secure payments with Stripe.

Osho contributes 1% to remove CO₂ from the atmosphere through Stripe Climate.

Frequently Asked Questions